Thanks to smartcd (installed when you ran you can run common command inside the containers in a transparent way. It is possible because there is a "bin" dir with scripts with the same name of the real ones. These scripts just redirect the command into the right container.

Currently there're the following common commands:


Accepts all common software params.


Accepts all common software params.

drupal (drupal console)

Accepts all common software params.


Accepts all common software params.


Accepts all common software params.


Accepts all common software params.


logs shows the logs of all containers or of a specific one. This command can be run anywhere inside the dockerized dir and project.

The available options are:
-f Follow log output.

Show logs of all containers: logs
Show logs of an specific container: logs apache, logs php, logs masriadb
Show logs of an specific container with the follow option set: logs -f apache


cmd allows you to run arbitrary commands like ls, tail inside the container. Use this command when there is no an alias (see "common commands").

cmd php ls -l where "php" is the container and "ls -l" is the sent command.


expose (Drops a container shell).
By default connects to the php container if you do not specify any other. But if you want to connect to another container like the DB one just type expose mariadb.
If you want to enter as root just add --root: expose apache --root.

Available containers are:

  • php (by default)
  • mariadb (mysql)
  • apache
  • frontend

expose drops a shell of php (default)
expose apache drops a shell of apache
expose apache --root drops a root shell of apache

Where are gulp and grunt buddy?

Since npm (and preferably yarn) includes the exact needed version of those apps into node_modules dir, we have retired and even discouraged the global usage of those tools. So, you really only need to add those tools into the package.json and configure it to run the scripts and you are done.

Adding new command

To create a new "command" like "drush" does just create a new empty file at ./bin dir and fill with this code:

source _command_wrapper_exec '[CONTAINER NAME]' 'exec' '[COMMAND]' $@

[CONTAINER NAME]: The container where the command resides.
[COMMAND]: the command to be run.

NOTE: In the case you are creating a new command for node container use _command_wrapper_exec instead.

And that's all. Now you will be able to run the command locally as any other command and it will be pushed into the right container and run into it.